Angular 5 Interview Questions

  1. Answer :
    NPM stands for node package manager. It is used for installing dependencies for javascript packages.
  2. Answer :
    Angular CLI is Command Line Interface for Angular that runs Webpack.You can use npm install -g @angular/cli command to install angular CLI.
  3. Answer :
    After installing Angular CLI run ng new project-name command to create a new Angular project.
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    Decorators are functions that adds metadata to class members and functions. It was proposed in ES2016 and implemented in Typescript.
  2. Answer :
    Angular 5 supports four types of Data Binding They are
    1. String Interpolation
    2. Property Binding
    3. Event Binding
    4. Two-way-binding
  3. Answer :
    ng serve command is used to run Angular5 application locally during development.To start development server on specific port ng serve -p aPortNumber command is used.
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    Angular2 component is made of a Component decorator and a component definition of a class. ng generate component componentname command is used to generate a component in Angular2.
  2. Answer :
    Simply use below syntax to import a module in Angular 5.
    import { ModuleName } from ‘someWhere’;
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    In Angular 5 $event is a reserved keyword that represents the data emitted by an event (event data).
    It is commonly used as a parameter for event based methods.
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    double curly brackets are used form data interpolation in Angular 5.
  2. Answer :
    ngFor directive is used for Iterating over a list of items and for Generating a new DOM element for each one.
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    Webpack is module bundler Bundler for Angular2 or above. It bundles, minified and transpiler an Angular application.
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    Transpiling is a process of converting code from one language to another. In Angular, Traceur compiler is used for converting TypeScript to JavaScript so that browsers can understand.
  2. Answer :
    • In Angular component life cycle in Angular goes through following stages.
    • Create
    • Render
    • Create and render children
    • Check for bound data changes and re-render
    • Destroy
  3. Answer :
    NgModule is a decorator function in Angular that takes a single metadata object whose properties describe the module.

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