Sunday, August 18, 2019

Copy All Tables From One Database To Another In SQL Server

Step 1. Let's say if you have two SQL Server databases, olddbname and newdbname. The following script creates a stored procedure that will copy all tables and their data from olddbname to newdbname. 
  1. create proc mypro_for_copy_database  
  2. @newdbname varchar(100),  
  3. @olddbname varchar(100)  
  4. as  
  5. begin  
  6. declare @sq nvarchar(max)  
  7. set @sq='create database '+@newdbname  
  8. exec sp_executesql @sq  
  9. declare @s nvarchar(100)  
  10. set @s='use '+@olddbname  
  11. exec sp_executesql @s  
  12. declare @oldname varchar(100)  
  13. declare @sql nvarchar(max)  
  14. declare create_database cursor for select name from sys.tables  
  15. open create_database  
  16. fetch next from create_database into @oldname  
  17. while @@FETCH_STATUS=0  
  18. begin  
  19. set @sql='use '+@olddbname+' select * into '+@newdbname+'.dbo.'+@oldname+' from '+@olddbname+'.dbo.'+@oldname+''  
  20. exec sp_executesql @sql  
  21. fetch next from create_database into @oldname  
  22. end  
  23. close create_database  
  24. deallocate create_database  
  25. end  
If you don't want to create this as a SP, you can run this query direct.
Step 2. Execute SP by using this query. Here you pass your two databases names. 
  1. exec mypro_for_copy_database 'newdatabase','currentdatabse'  
Note: Do not create new databse manually. This stored procedure will automatically create a new database with the name you give in the query.
Step 3. Enjoy. Your task is completed without a complex query.
Here are two recommended detailed tutorials:
  1. Copy Tables Data from One Database to Another In SQL Server
  2. Copy Table Schema and Data from One SQL Server Database to Another SQL Server Database

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